Re Family Information

Antonio Dellamano married Josephine (Giuseppina) Felicita Re (my grandparents). Here is a list of all the Re's that I have genealogical information on. Individuals are listed alphabetically, last name first. You may scroll through as you like. If you have any additional information on the Re Family Tree, please e-mail me and I will add your information to this page. Thanks!

Females are listed under both married and maiden names. Maiden names and English translations of some first names are listed in parentheses.

Information is listed in the following format -

Surname, First name, Middle name (Maiden name)
B: birthdate; birth place
M: marriage date; marriage place; spouse
DIV: divorce date
RM: remarriage date; remarriage place; spouse
Immigration: date of arrival in US; name of ship; port of entry
Naturalization: date; court location
D: date of death; place of death; place buried
P: father's name; mother's name

Four Re siblings
L to R: Abramo Re, Josephine Felicita Re,
Caesare Re, Humbert Re

Dellamano, Giuseppina (Josephine) Felicita (Re)
B: 11/22/1883; Manerba, Brescia, Lombardia, Italy
M: 1905; Sacred Heart Church, Boston, MA; Antonio Dellamano
D: 8/31/1970; New York; Holy Rood Cemetery, Westbury, New York
P: Giuseppe (Joseph) Re; Lucia Ragnoli

Maffei, Teodalinda (Linda) (Re)
B: 6/6/1879; Manerba, Italy
M: ;;Ettore Maffei
D: 1959; Italy
P: Giuseppe Re; Lucia Ragnoli

Re, Abramo
B: 7/31/1886; Manerba, Italy
M: Susan (Susie) Viano
Immigrated: 12/24/1896; Kaiser Wilhelm II; NY, NY
Naturalized: 6/22/1914; Boston, MA
D: 9/1969; West Medford, MA
P: Giuseppe Re; Lucia Ragnoli

Re, Adalgiso (Alfred)
B: 4/6/1876; Manerba, Italy
M: 1901;;Louise Costa who died in 1902
RM: 1905;; Aline Hobbs
Immigrated: 10/29/1889;;NY, NY
Naturalized:10/11/1897; Boston, MA D: Aft. 1930
P: Giuseppe Re; Lucia Ragnoli

Re, Alfred, Jr.
B:6/6/1901; MA
D: 4/14/1984;Florida
P: Alfred Re; Louise Costa

Re, Attilio Joseph
B: 11/18/1908; Somerville, MA
M: ;; "Kitty" - Louisa Paganussi
D: 4/22/1995; Somerville, MA
P: Cesare Re; Sophie Cianchi

Re, Bortolo
B: Before 1830; Italy
M: ; ; Catterine Soncina

Re, Cesare
B: 6/30/1882; Manerba, Italy
M: 3/1/1908; Massachusetts, USA; Sophie Cianchi
Immigrated: 12/18/1896; Kaiser Wilhelm II; NY, NY
Naturalized; 7/16/1928; Boston, MA
D: 10/31/1962
P: Giuseppe Re; Lucia Ragnoli

Re, Cynthia
B: ;
D: ;
P: Humbert Re; Alzira Boni

Re, Giuseppe (Joseph)
B: 12/13/1843; Puegnago, Brescia, Italy
M: Abt. 1873; Manerba, Italy; Lucia Ragnoli
D: Bef. 1910; USA
P: Bortolo Re; Cattarine Soncina

Re, Giuseppina (Josephine) Felicita SEE Dellamano, Giuseppina Felicita (Re)

Re, Humbert C.
B: 9/5/1913; Somerville, MA
M: ;;
D: 4/20/1998; Wnchester, MA
P: Cesare Re; Sophie

Re, Joseph
B: 11/27/1910; Somerville, MA
M: Abt. 1940; ; Katherine M. Kelly
P: Cesare Re; Sophie

Re, Linda SEE Maffei, Linda (Re)

Re, Lucia (Ragnoli)
B: 4/10/1847; Manerba, Italy
M: Abt. 1873; Italy; Giuseppe (Joseph) Re
P: Abramo Re; Angela Facchinette

Re, Marie
B: 9/18/1916; Somerville, MA
M: " Ciolfi;;
D: 1/19/1963
P: Cesare Re; Sophie Cianchi

Re, Payson (Edward)
B: 9/3/1906; Everett, MA, USA
P: Alfred Re; Aline Hobbs

Re, Priscilla
B: ;
P: Humbert Re; Alzira Boni

Re, Sophie (Cianchi)
B: Abt. 1885; Italy
M: ;;Cesare Re
D: 1/19/1963;

Re, Umberto (Humbert)
B:7/23/1885; Manerba, Brescia, Italy
M: Marie C. Mase; Bet. 1910-1917
D: Aft. 1942
P: Giuseppe Re; Lucia Ragnoli

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